Help your students visualize Earth's expansive geologic history using their steps! This activity asks students to create a scale model of the geologic time scale using their steps as the unit of measurement.
My students have loved this activity and I hope yours do too!
This is a PDF document that includes a link to a Google Doc version of the student worksheet only.
Note to teacher included in product:
"Measurement can be hard for students- especially when combined with creating a large-scale model. Instead of asking students to use meter sticks or rulers, they will use their steps!
Before starting the activity, make sure to explain that they’re using their normal steps- I like to say, “don’t walk like a giant or penguin, just yourself”.
I find that this activity works best with students in small groups. Roles I like to use are recorder (mark off the events they’ve completed), counter (count the steps), and materials holder. When needed I add a manager too!
Making the Model
-Take them outside and let them use chalk!
-Have students create their own signs using index cards, paper, or post its. Let them create the model inside the school by tapping their signs up.
-Print the provided signs and let students tape them up – or – tape popsicle sticks or wooden BBQ skewers so students can stick them in the ground outside."
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